July 02, 2015 0 Comments
Starting tomorrow we will bring you a unique daily report from inside the crazy beautiful circus that is the Tour de France. Our man within the peloton is BORA-ARGON 18 all-rounder Paul Voß. If you’ve not done so already, you might want to follow him on Twitter @PaulVoss86 or take a peek at his blog TourdeVoss.
We are fully aware that the last thing most riders want to do at the end of a long, hard mountain stage, where they’ve slogged for 7 hours in 30 C heat and not had a rest for 6 days, is sit down and write a cheery summary of their day. We respect the race and the effort these warriors of the road put in – for our entertainment. We want to ensure our man Vossi is safely transferred, legs rubbed, fed, watered, and tucked-up in bed by 8pm each night, and not on the phone to us until midnight giving us a detailed account of the stunning Chateaux of the Dordogne Department, or (God help us) dictating a heartfelt review of how it feels to pedal past the fragrant sunflowers of Provence.
So we are going to try something a bit different. Every day Vossi is going to send us his unique take on the stage – in no more than three words. Each daily ‘report’ will be accompanied by a Vossi selfie (a ßelfi?) – sharing a little insight to his life On Tour. We will publish the photo and report as part of our daily Tour summary here on the Conquista Blog.
No one can be certain what the next 3 weeks hold in store for our hero. Speaking on his team’s Tour de France line-up announcement Vossi’s stated objectives for the race are “finish safe in Paris without crashing, a few top 10’s and maybe a stage win”. As an expert Classics rider we expect Paul to favour the early stages of this year’s route as the race passes through Belgium – we’ll be keeping an extra special look out for Vossi on Stage 3 with the first ever Tour stage finish at the top of the Mur de Huy.
We can’t wait to get started and are already looking forward to Vossi’s first race report. Join us in cheering him all the way to Paris. For now, enjoy this video from the man himself from tonight’s Team Presentation in Utrecht.
@PaulVoss86 #AllezVossi #TourdeVoss TourdeVoss.com
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